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My World and Stuff
Underneath a Panther's Black Fur
Piercings and Tattoos
The Untold Addiction
Published on February 12, 2005 By
When I was 16 I wanted what most 16 year old girls wanted. A belly button ring. Of course my mom said no. And to top it all off she said that if she ever saw a ring in my navel, that she would rip it out of my stomach. *SIGH* No piercing AND a threat to my well-being. Every other girl in school (including my bestest friend ever) had a shiny metal hoop or barbell protruding from their stomachs. Never was there a more dismayed teenager.
Two years later a magical thing happened. I turned 18! Parental consent was no longer needed for me to alter my appearance. $20 and ten minutes of my time and a trendy little piercing stuck out of my tummy. In the last three years I have accumulated five more piercings plus the two I already had in my ear lobes. Belly button, nose, tongue, and three in the cartilage of my right ear. I've spent probably close to $100 dollars on my piercings. That's not including all the different studs, hoops, barbells and earrings I've bought over the last three years.
Black panthers are my favorite animals. They have been since as long as I can remember. Therefore it only made sense for me to get a black panther tattoo. Now for me getting a tattoo takes a lot of consideration. What image am I going to get. You gotta remember whatever is chosen it will be with you for the rest of your life. Next comes location. Will it hinder a future job? What kind of people will it attract to you. OK, all things considered I opt for a black panther between my shoulder blades crawling down my back. Below the shirt line to be easily covered if necessary but high enough to be shown if I want it to. All it cost was $100, an hour and a half of my time, some minor discomfort and a sleeping butt. Tattoo number two is a small black and purple dragon on the inside of my right ankle. Cost:$50 and 45 minutes. As soon as I get my tax return back tattoo number three will be in the works. I told Bear that I would never get his name tattooed on my body no matter how much I love him. My new last name is Ivie. So, my next tat is going to be ivy (the plant) around my left ankle. I want to make the leaves big enough to put my kids' names on them.
All that should cost me another hundred.
I have an addiction. Admitting it is the first step, or so I'm told. But I'm not too worried about it. I'm sure there are worse things I could be hooked on.
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