Underneath a Panther's Black Fur
Why Do They Continue To Breed?
Published on February 18, 2005 By Pantherchic In Blogging
This is my first rant.

I CAN NOT stand stupid people. I work in a low intelligence needed job. If you can pass a piss test and have a high school education then you can work at my job. Common sense is a thing that just doesnt exist. Instead of listening to what people that know what is going on, they do what ever the they want. Complicating other peoples' jobs, not doing theirs, or doing theirs wrong is practically the only thing that these people know how to do.
Most of them have some kind of disorder. Hygiene, psychological, and eating are the top three. Some of the people do not know how to bathe. They REEK of cigarette smoke and you can nearly see the tobacco oozing off their teeth. Dirty disgusting hair and clothing. Some people have actually been asked to go home and bathe before returning to work. Blech! I don't think that anyone at my job is totally pychologically sound (myself included). There is just varying levels of insanity. From tweekers, to people that lick papers because they smell good, to moderately weird. Eating Disorders are not as common as the other two but are still present. One woman that works there (who also falls into the lack of hygiene catgory) probably weighs about 300 pounds.She stuffs her face with the most disgusting stuff and then claims "it's a gland problem". Sorry, buckets of KFC, pounds of beef jerky, and barrels of candy doesn't count as a gland problem. I've seen her eat. Talk about things that make you want to gag.

Ok, out of the work place and in to the public.

Radios, passengers and cell phones all make people stupid. But we already knew that. I have decided that traffic lanes and signals are mearly suggestions. Green means go. Red means stop. Yellow means go faster. A lot of people drive huge SUV's. They need to learn that they need to pay more attention to how big their cars/trucks really are. I have a 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP. That is not a small car. And yet I am regularly pushed around in my lane by drifting cars and people who cut me off. Not just changing lanes too close to me, but by damn near running me off the road.

Computers, TV, and Movies are making this world stupid. It is gradual and no one seems to notice the gradual slipping of intelligence. I wish that people could have conversations where people don't get offended and don't know why. Or don't have a slack-jawed, glazed over look on their faces. *SIGH* Stupid people need to stop breeding. OR they need to be weeded out of society. I understand that everyone has their stupid moments, but people that abuse it need to be ousted.

on Feb 18, 2005
Sorry, i've been around university campuses all my life, and I have seen everything you describe from people with post-graduate degrees. There's nothing "stupid specific" about eating disorders and lack of hygene.

Focusing on other people's failings generally makes you less aware of your own, and usually leads to them saying such things about you. Just an FYI.

Regardless, rants like this generally speak a lot more about intolerance and hate int the pissed off person, rather than failings in those they rant about.
on Feb 18, 2005
I understand hygiene and eating disorders are not necesarily part of stupidity. I know what those same people say about me. I am very aware of my short-comings. This rant is not hateful or intolerant. It is simply what I had to say about the people that I work with after an especially irritating day at work. Maybe stupid was the wrong word. Perhaps ignorant or unaware of their situation is better.
on Feb 18, 2005
you know what, some of the stupidest people I've ever met have college educations. the one has nothing to do with the other.

so, Pantherchic, don't hold back so much, tell us how you really feel. If you hold that all inside like that, it's just gonna eat at you.
on Feb 18, 2005
I agree that the average level of intelligence is spiraling downward.
I have seen everything you describe from people with post-graduate degrees

Yep, BakerStreet stated an excellent case in point.

I agree that TV, Movies, and computer games are a huge contributing factor to the stupidity epidemic. I'm a victim of them myself. Years ago I swore off movies & TV entirely, but then they crept back in because it's just socially weird not to participate in those forms of mindless entertainment. I guess I should've found different friends. *Sigh* Well, I am a stupid person too. I used to hate stupid people until I became one, and now I spend a lot of time wishing I weren't so stupid.
on Feb 18, 2005
Computers, TV, and Movies are making this world stupid

TV, Internet and computers are just TOOLS. In and of themselves, there is nothing inherently stupid, evil or wasteful about them...contrary to popular belief. The way they are used, and by who is the issue.

some of the stupidest people I've ever met have college educations. the one has nothing to do with the other.

I agree!

Regardless, rants like this generally speak a lot more about intolerance and hate int the pissed off person, rather than failings in those they rant about.

I think everyone can have a bad day or become genuinely irritated by the actions of others without becoming "intolerant and full of hate". Those who spout topics that are like this all the time and those who find themselves incapable of saying anything positive are possibly going to fit that discription. Panther here (as well as many others) has clearly labled this as a rant. This isn't her end all, be all persona, so you may want to relax with the zealous effort against intolerance......Try deep breaths and remembering that even flowers grow in shit....find good in the world, not just the bad.... This was not meant to be mean or sarcastic....have a good day.
on Feb 23, 2005
I totally agree with Pantherchick, I am writing a paper on why stupid people shouldn't be allowed to breed, and Pantherchick has it all right. I hate stupid, people who think they can take advantage of the welfare system because they have 8 kids, and cant learn to keep their legs closed. Stupid has nothing to do with a college education, you can have a masters degree and kill your kids. Just because you have a college education does not mean that you are not stupid.
on Feb 23, 2005
"I CAN NOT stand stupid people. I work in a low intelligence needed job"
Isn't that making YOU on the same level as them? Reality shows make one stupid. Or totally distracted from life, which is the overall goal.
on Feb 23, 2005
I agree with Lifehappens, she nailed it on the head! And it's just a RANT. Sometimes it's good to let off steam.

As for TV I watch it. Not everything that is on makes sense or is intelligent half the time, afterall, it's only a form of entertainment. And don't get me started about reality shows, some of them make no sense! I have watch some of them, and still do because the ones I watch are interesting to me. Does it mean I am stupid? Naw, just getting myself totally distracted when the need arises. But I still do know how to loose myself in a good book - my first love and ever favourite way to past the time away!
on Feb 23, 2005
I have been getting mixed feelings from this. I understand both sides. I just wish those of you that don't understand what I'm talking about could come work at my job for a few days.
on Feb 23, 2005
It's sad to say, but we need someone to be janitors, garbagemen, and fast food workers. Hate it or love it.
on Feb 26, 2005
I have actually been to the place where pantherchic works and totally agree with everything she said. Knowing she said all this after a LONG STRESS FILLED DAY WITH STUPID PEOPLE (YES SOME OF THEM ARE STUPID (no hate or intolerance trust me on that)) makes me proud that she used this format to let off steam instead of doing that at work! Some of them have college educations, she just stated that the minimum requirement was a high school education. I have known plenty of people with only a high school education that are intellegent. Most of them have learned through life and self education (not only books and classes but yes through television (there are educational shows on they just hide them)). When the money is good it is hard to quit to find a more challenging job, that doesn't make everyone that works a mindless job stupid. It is scarey that some of them are allowed to drive! I have seen the way the drive....I wished I owned an insurance company just for them!!! While some people allow themselves to become mindless zombies and watch TV and movies all the time, some of us need the mindless humor to help us relax. Yes I do love to read too!