Underneath a Panther's Black Fur
Looks Like I Succeeded
Published on March 7, 2005 By Pantherchic In Blogging
I originally started blogging to get myself back into the habit of writing. I haven't done too well the last few weeks, but it is what it is. I think I have found something new to help motivate me to write. The reactions and opinions of strangers. I am a person who likes to go to the bar not to drink, but to watch people. Getting replies and reactions from people I don't know about my articles is very similar. Instead of watching people and analyzing them by body language and aesthetic things, I actually get to hear opinions and thoughts.

I never wrote my "stupid people" article to get reactions. I don't plan on writing all my articles JUST to get reactions either. It pleases me that peoplpe that I don't know have taken them time to read my articles and to voice their opinions. Wether in my defense, or against me, I made someone feel something. I am sure that some of the articles I write will get people to react differently. That makes me happy. I just need to get in the habit of writing more. I've got plenty of opinions to go around.

on Mar 07, 2005
The commentary from members of the community is the main attraction of JU for me (and many others I wager).