Underneath a Panther's Black Fur
Rehearsals, Competitions, and More
Published on April 1, 2005 By Pantherchic In Blogging
When I married Bear I knew that he was a drumline instructor. He has been since I met him. I just never knew everything that went into that whole scene. I never knew the time, energy, and money that went into it.

Bear teaches both during the marching season and the winter season. For those of you who don't know the difference I'll explain.

Marching season includes the entire band. Brass, woodwinds, colorguard, and percussion. They memorize music and drill and perform half time shows at the high school football games.

Winter Season is only the percussion section. They perform in competitions only. My husband writes the drill and a large portion of the music for the winter season.

Through both seasons Bear does so much. On average he holds two three hour rehearsals a week. At least once a month he has an eight hour rehearsal on a sauturday. Also he has one or two competitions (all day events) on Saturdays. He writes music and drill. He teaches. Because Bear is very particular in the way he wants things to be done, he often spends his own money on certain drum heads, mallets, sticks, and other equipment. Even though he should be getting reimbursed for all the stuff he doesnt always. Often we have to drive 45 minutes to an hour to get to a music store to buy supplies.

He enjoys teaching so much. I would never ask him to quit. As much as I don't necesarily approve of the excessive amounts of time and money he puts into it I know that it means so much to him. He has promised me that he is going to cut back next semester to go back to school and start on the road of a greater priority.

When Bear and I firsted became serious with eachother I used to go to every rehearsal. Every competition. Ran all his errands with him. Became friends with all his students. The whole nine-yards. Now I am bored with it. I go to maybe one rehearsal a month and maybe one or two competitions a season. We are trying to save money for various things and it is hard for me to runerrands with him and watch him spend our money on his students. I suppose it is what it is. Things will change one way or the other and I accept this because I knew what I was getting into when i said "I do". I will support him even if I want to kick him square in the ass sometimes.

If anyone is interested in more information about Drum Corps, Marching Band, or Winter Guard International leave me a note and I will try and get you some.

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